leftovers, anyone?

During the summer months my mum always has people staying with us. From family to friends are house is always full of people. This makes food shopping a little more taxing for my mum. Especially when many times guests have a different opinion on what they want to eat for their meals.

The other night my mum grilled some burgers and hot dogs on the grill. My younger cousin really wanted chicken.. so my mom put 4 chicken breasts on the grill. By the end of dinner the chicken breasts had remained untouched.

Yesterday, I was super hungry and wanted to make a sandwich that I could then bring to the beach with me. All the deli meats and cheeses had been completely devoured and all that lay in my fridge were those 4 pieces of chicken. I pulled out the chicken and placed it on my counter. “What can I do with these pieces of chicken?” I thought.

All of a sudden an idea came to mind: avocado chicken sandwich.

Here’s a quick recipe for your summer picnics! 🙂


Yields 3 Sandwiches


6 pieces of toast

2 tablespoons of Mayonnaise

4 Chicken breasts

1 1/2 avocados

  1. Begin by cutting the chicken into small bite size pieces. 
  2. Place all the chicken pieces into a small bowl. Mix in the mayonnaise with a fork.
  3. Toast the bread.
  4. Dice the avocado. 
  5. Spread mayonnaise over both ends of your bread. 
  6. Place pieces of avocado evenly on your bread. Sprinkle some salt all over the avocado. Place chicken pieces evenly on top of the avocado. Close your sandwich. 
  7. Wrap it up and head to the beach! 




Rockets and Rainbows,


7 Façons pour les filles de soyez en sécurité lorsque vous exécutez à l’extérieur de solo.

Sortir pour un solo run est un moment idéal pour se refléter, videz votre esprit et se concentrer sur vos objectifs, mais il est important d’être en sécurité.


Si vous pouvez exécuter dans la lumière du jour avec des gens autour de lui est toujours plus sûr. Vous pouvez aussi porter le matériel réfléchissant, visible pour s’assurer que les gens vous voient lorsque vous exécutez. Également amener votre téléphone portable, argent et même de poivre de Cayenne peuvent vous aider dans une impasse.


C’est toujours mieux prévenir que guérir lors de l’exécution à l’extérieur seulement. Donc faire les bons choix pour obtenir un excellent entraînement sans compromettre la sécurité avec ces conseils!



En choisissant de courir dans la lumière du jour vous sentir plus en sécurité, être moins susceptibles de tomber, et les prédateurs sont moins susceptibles d’attaquer.

Il est important de toujours se concentrer sur demain non seulement aujourd’hui et choisir d’être en sécurité est indispensable à un bel avenir! Ainsi fonctionner lorsqu’il est clair, si votre emploi du temps le permet.



Dirigez-vous vers votre parc local pour un cours en cours d’exécution mesuré sur avec les autres coureurs les, les randonneurs et les vététistes près.

Si vous choisissez d’exécuter dans les zones communautaires, vous serez moins susceptible de se heurter à des problèmes avec votre sécurité et vous vous sentirez plus à l’aise. Parfois, j’aime courir autour du parc, car c’est une région pittoresque et contrôlée où vous n’avez pas à vous soucier des voitures va sur votre parcours.



Apportez votre téléphone portable pour écouter de la musique, le réglage de volume faible pour être sûr, et aussi si vous avez accès à téléphoner si vous avez besoin de. J’écoute de la musique sur les haut-parleurs au lieu d’écouteurs parce que, alors que je suis conscient de mon environnement.

Si vous rencontrez des problèmes de sécurité, un téléphone peut vous faire économiser.



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Exécuter en plein jour!!!


Être en sécurité et se sentent super sécurisé en exécutant avec spray au poivre. Si un attaquant vous confronte, n’ayez pas peur parce que vous êtes armés et prêts à vous protéger. Pensez sécurité première et vous pouvez exécuter avec confort et facilité, sachant que vous êtes armé.




Ne pas juste faire fonctionner dehors aveuglément.


Informez un ami ou un parent membre votre itinéraire en cours d’exécution et environ combien de temps vous allez être. Si vous prenez plus de temps que prévu, ils sauront où vous trouver par le cours de conduite. Et puis vous aurez une autre série d’yeux veiller sur vous.




Exécuter avec équipement réfléchissant sur, surtout dans les heures plus tôt ou plus tard dans la journée. Vous voulez être en sécurité et s’assurer que les conducteurs vous voient donc aussi s’assurer de porter des couleurs vives visibles.




J’apporte toujours le long d’un billet de vingt dollars rentré dans ma chaussure, juste au cas où ma glycémie tombe et j’ai faim ou il y a une situation d’urgence. Juste Assurez-vous que lorsque vous jetez vos chaussures car ils ne sont plus bons; vous ne jetez pas l’argent à l’intérieur aussi bien.


Alors allez-y et profitez de votre course solo mais assurez-vous d’être en sécurité, intelligents et planifier à l’avance. Vous créez votre avenir par les choix que vous ferez.


Alors, soyez intelligent et ont une très belle course!


c’est moi. lol.


à bientôt x




Biscuits and Sparkles,



My 2017 goals

I’ve seen many bloggers do this and I decided to give it a try. After all this is something we all have done, setting goals for each one of us every single year. Some of us actually manage to complete them, while others try and some others may completely forget about them or give up cause they seem impossible. Last year I managed to complete 50% of them, which is seriously a sad outcome. Here’s to the 2017, new year, new goals, new aspirations that I am glad to share with you all. Here it goes!!

  1.  Get good grades.

Moving to a different city and going to a school full of people you don’t really know anything about is a hard task. Many things distracted me last year about this, mostly because I was more focused on a guy and trying to make friends that I completely forgot the whole purpose about school. So dear future self, LET’S GET GOOD GRADES!!


2. Enjoy my senior year.

As I mentioned before, moving to a different place is not easy. Not when nobody knows anything about you or when people aren’t willing to befriend you. It is hard as hell. Trying to fit in, make friends and being social are definitely not my forte. Making new friends has never been hard for me cause I’m really picky when it comes to friendships. I’ve been let down so many times by people I never thought would and that’s what I am working on. Enjoying my last high school year no matter what, whatever happens, happens.

Life is a rollercoaster that only goes up my frieeeeend…

3. Get into that Australian uni.

That is my most important goal, but I placed it as a third option cause it’s a bit less important than high school right now, gotta survive senior year first! My plan is to move to Australia as soon as I get enough money to pay for it. Considering Raffles, Whitehouse Institute of Design, UTS, and TAFE. Those are my top 4 and might also want to add Curtin Uni. Got to get good grades for that and lots of effort, I’d really love to develop my skills.

4. Start my Youtube channel (my own)

Yes I have posted some videos using my friend’s account but I might want to take it to the next level and create one of my own in which I could actually post my own stuff and basically do whatever I want. I have sort of an idea of what my channel might be about but I really need to work on that too so… let’s make it a double goal here.

5. Finish reading some booksfullsizeoutput_123

Sounds a bit silly but I started reading a saga three years ago now and haven’t finished reading the fourth book… Hush Hush’s saga seems impossible to finish mostly because I don’t have enough time to or simple forget that book exists. I really want to know how it ends so that’s also a goal I should keep in mind.

6. Travel!

fullsizeoutput_124This one’s a bit specific though, but I’d love to travel as much as possible. Right now my main goal is to get to Sydney, Australia. Have already booked some trips to the most beautiful beaches in México, yaaaay!


7. Enjoy my job 

Working so many shifts in different days is hard. But it becomes harder when each one of them last around 8 hours. My main goal is to actually enjoy it, I chose that job because I love doing that and people seriously appreciate what I do. Let’s get to work, get enough money and go wherever I want to, aka. kangaroo land, aka. Australia.

8. Be there for him.

Yes you, I’m talking about you. To the ones who don’t have a clue of what I am talking about just know this last goal is dedicated to someone that happens to be real special to me and someone I really care about. I know we fullsizeoutput_128met online, I know sometimes we don’t talk that much because the time zonings are horrendous -you being 17 hours ahead of me is not that rad- but I promise I’ll be there for you as much as I can. So, kangaroo land boy, you know this is about you.




I’ll see you in Australia soon!!

SPOILER ALERT: I might get there by September and if not, hopefully by January 2018. -Need to fix my visa, eeek-  I love you.fullsizeoutput_122.jpeg

Biscuits and Sparkles,


Register to vote!

Hey guys!!!!

Just a quick reminder to get out and vote as soon as you can.

It is so so so important to use the wonderful, amazing right that many before us fought for in allowing women the right to vote. It is now you’re turn to exercise that right and go out & vote!!!!

You can find out what the rules for your state are here.

You can vote here:

1.  Teen Vogue

2. Usa.Gov

3. DMV.NY.GOV (for New Yorkers only)

img_8685Rockets and Rainbows,



Be confident!

Let’s imagine that you have a friend who can be really critical. She lets you know when you’ve put on a few extra pounds. She makes you lose confidence right before an important presentation. She points out your flaws and reminds you when you’re not doing as well as others. If you had a friend like that, you’d kick her to the curb, right?! No one needs that negativity in their life! So, if we wouldn’t accept this criticism from our friends, why do we accept it from ourselves?
We let ourselves get away with a surprising amount of negative self-talk. Sometimes it happens so often that it becomes background noise, but this kind of criticism can be seriously damaging to your self-confidence. So what can you do to silence your inner critic? Here are five insightful tips:


This may seem counter-intuitive, but you can only silence your inner critic when you’re actually aware of it. I don’t mean feeding into it, but trying to listen as objectively as possible to those negative voices. A lot of times those negative thoughts stem from insecurities that are unmerited. Take the time to actually listen to what you’re telling yourself and you’ll find that oftentimes, those criticisms are silly. Actively listening to your negative talk will reveal that most of your criticisms are undeserved and ridiculous. If you wouldn’t say it to a friend, why say it to yourself?



Although some of our negative thoughts are unwarranted and overly judgmental, some of that criticism is toward real issues that need to be addressed. If there are certain parts of your life that you know need improving, do something about it. Don’t give yourself ammo for negative self-talk. There’s nothing worse than that nagging voice in your head that yet again you’re late on your deadline. And because you know it’s true, it can lead to a downward spiral of continually criticizing yourself.

Being nasty to yourself is never okay and it’s certainly not productive. Instead, take tangible steps to improve. Set goals and track your progress. Even if it’s baby steps, gradually improving yourself will replace negative thoughts with positive ones and ultimately silence your inner critic.


Negative thoughts of any sort are toxic to your soul. If you allow yourself to be critical and judgmental of others (admit it, we’ve all been there!), you’re only setting yourself up with the mentality that it’s okay to be critical of yourself, too. Hold off on gossip and stay away from rash judgments that may seem harmless. Feeding into the negativity will only come around to bite you in the butt.


Not sure if you’re being too critical of yourself? Life coach Tony Teegarden recommends asking this one question: Would you say this to your five year old self? Would you tell your five-year-old self that they’re not smart enough, that they’re overweight or untalented? Of course not! You’d tell them to believe in themselves and that they can do anything they set their mind to. So, if you wouldn’t dare be so negative to your younger self, why do it now? Self-confidence can be fragile at any age and we need to be sure to that we’re doing everything we can to support ourselves.


Sometimes the only way to silence your inner critic is to drown it out with positive statements. It doesn’t have to be as hokey as telling yourself positive affirmations in the mirror. But giving yourself a little pep talk when you’re really getting critical can do wonders. I actually keep a little letter tucked in my wallet that lists my strengths. Whenever I start that negative self-talk, I pop out my letter and remind myself what a strong, confident and capable woman I am. It’s not about bragging or trying to inflate your ego, it’s about being honest with yourself about what you do well. Sometimes we all need a little reminder that we’re capable people who can take on whatever life throws at us!


Biscuits and Sparkles,


How to make the most out of your summer

It’s summer time!! It’s time to throw out those adult responsibilities and reclaim your inner child. Make the most of the short-lived (yet, most loved) season: summer. Memories are waiting to be made, and no… you don’t have to break the bank!

Your first step is creating time to do things. A few hours week is all you really need. If your answer to that is that “you just took a day off last week” and all you did was errands… that isn’t enjoying summer. You need to turn off those emails, ditch the phone, put down that to-do-list, and devote your time to ACTUAL fun. Stop worrying about paid days off, those few hours unpaid joy, will pay off much more than money ever will. If you are all work and no play, you may be headed for a burnout down the road. Call in sick for a much-needed mental health day and don’t stress over it. We’re all human and need some more time to bring ourselves back to life.

You don’t have to take a trip, or even leave your house! You simply need to take a break from your daily routine, think of vacation as a frame of mind, and not a place or schedule. Here’s a few quick ideas on how you can make the most out of your summer. Time to kick back, relax and enjoy!

Spend time with friends and family. 

Let’s start with the easiest way to enjoy your summer. Head to a mall, movie, park, or even plan a picnic with friends. Have a few laughs, and soak up some rays. Remember; summer, should be nice and simple.

Be spontaneous.

Planning ahead of time is great as it makes sure your plans will go through. But planning and all that scheduling can be stressful and draining. If you are free one day/evening with no plans, call up a friend and ask if they want to check out a restaurant, or a local show. Spontaneous moments in life, always seem to trump planned events. You never know what may happen!

Be a tourist in your own town.

Most of the time we find ourselves thinking of the places we live as areas only capable of grocery shopping, getting fuel for our cars, or just hitting up malls. If you treat where you live as a new-destination, you can discover something new. If you love food, and local markets, why not check out restaurants or local watering holes you haven’t been too? Love art? There are many hidden galleries/studios around cities, ask around! Movies in parks? Festivals? Always check flyers/posters around your city, they offer great ideas for new events you can hit up.

Play Board Games 

Great for all hours of the day, whether you stay inside on a rainy day or plan to sit in a park. Bring out the kid in you and play some classics: Monopoly, Sorry or even Operation!

Camp Your Heart Out 

Round up your friends or your family, and enjoy a day of outdoor activities. Go to a park, or even just pitch a tent in your own backyard! Dance to some music, share stories, and always build a fire to roast some marshmallows. SMORES? YES PLEASE. 

Movie Nights 

Either gather all your blankets and pillows and make a bed in front of your television (with chips and candy of course), or rent a movie projector, find a blank wall outside and project a movie, then invite your neighbours, friends, and family over for an outdoor viewing.

Create Traditions 

If you like routine, plan an annual summer BBQ. Another great tradition is to plan an annual trip to a lake, buy some cheap floaties and spend the day drifting with some summa drinky-poos.

Live the Hammock Life.

Relax, breathe in some fresh air, pick up a book, float for awhile and let the day pass by until sunset. All-in-all, doing nothing can do wonders on the soul. You don’t need to travel to some exotic destination to say you had a great summer v-kay, just use your imagination, call up some friends and let the good times roll!

Biscuits and Sparkles,
